'Set her down here!' Samatar yelled as the crew was landing their ship. And at that, Magan was founded. 'N'tombo (perfect African name skills), go over there and search the area!' Said Samatar. 'I need to know what's over there.' Kavitha Thakur, Hutama, and Elodie landed.
Africa needed to beef up its military against the large alien presence. They had to be wiped out to make space. They were hostile, anyway. CEO Suzanne Fielding and Vadim Kozlov landed.
'Man, I really hate how all those bugs are eyeballing us.' Said an exploring soldier. They're waiting to rend our flesh and bones.'
'We won't let them.' Said another soldier defiantly.And then the drones attacked. DON'T LET THAT GREEN STUFF HIT YOU!!!' 'Grrrrrrrrrr, raghhhhhhghghhhhhg' Went the aliens as they neared closer and closer. Their rustles and growls got louder, as they ran over to the Marines for their meal. The drones used their huge wings and made an irritating and terrifying noise above.'
It was the sound of men being burned alive by the alien juices from the drones, and the alien wolf beetles eating them alive like rabid dogs back on earth. However, the men had to stand firm. They killed the drones and wolf beetles.Daoming Sochua landed. Polystrailia wanted Africa to enter a cooperation agreement. 'Now, Mr Hutama, why should I cooperate?' Samatar asked.' Because, friend, think of the massive benefits we can reap.
Money, security, happiness.' Hutama said persuasively with some Bourbon.' It's settled.' Said Samatar.
As they were shaking hands, tragedy had unfolded. A siege worm destroyed Ayaan. The worm raised its huge body and flug out toxic mist around the city.
It then used all its bulk and landed on the city, killing many. It rolled around and razed all in its path. Nothing could stop it. The dozens of inhabitants were all killed.' Get to that nest!
Kill any alien you see!!! Torch those mother effing bastards! Show no mercy!' Said the sergeant in charge. The Marines torched the alien nest and killed them all, at great cost.
Only one remained after a huge swarm attacked. The remaining Marine swam back, rattled at it all.When we return.
Will Africa survive against the unrelenting alien hordes of Siege Worms? Or will they all die. A road needed to be built towards Ayaan.
As for the siege worms? Well, they attacked.
It crushed most of the marines in one fell swoop. The survivors fled in terror.An explorer group excavated an alien skeleton. 'Holy crap, look at the size of that thing!' Said one soldier.' Wait a minute! There's an alien coming at us!' Shouted another.
Fortunately, the Manticore decided to follow them around. It was decided it would join Africa.As the African army tried to kill a Siege Worm with the help of the Manticore, the worm killed an entire platoon of Marines. The AU and Kavitha Thakur agreed to cooperate. As this alliance was unfolding, the Siege Worm menacing the AU for so long was killed.'
Alpha formation on that worm. The sergeant yelled.A nearby Manticore aided in the fight with its miasma armaments. The worm tossed and turned as it weakened from the assault. Eventually, a few marines ran in and shot the worm with everything they had. But the few remaining killed the worm.
It fell, leaving a huge scar on the ground and a rumble that felt like a 3.5 earthquake.' THREE CHEERS FOR THE MARINES WHO FELLED THE BEAST!!' Chanted the elated citizens.
Festivities of all sorts went on in Magan. Even Samatar indulged in celebrations.' BLESSED BE AFRICA!' He bellowed, as he swallowed some African made rum. Africa was starting to bounce back.
They built Thabo. Yet another alien skeleton was excavated.
At this point, their military was alien based. They had a raptor bug, drone, and Manticore under their command now.WHOOOOOSSHHH!! KABLAM!A satellite fell from orbit.
The explorer unit nearby was sent in to investigate.' Whaddya think we'll find? More aliens?' One of the men jokingly asked.
The team searched, and found cultural records. These are from Old Earth!'
Said one man.' Samatar will like these in his collection.' Said another.Eventually, the Kavithan-African relationship deteriorated. 'You lied about everything. Clearing miasma in our lands, taking our expeditions. You're sick.' Kavitha yelled.'
You jumped up little prick, I never did any of that! These were on MY lands.
My lands aren't yours.' Said Samatar as he fired back.Africa now had spies.
They built the Spy Agency in Magan. 'Okonkwo and Thwabe, your jobs are to infiltrate Mandira and Central.
Siphon their energy reserves so we can power up our military.' Samatar ordered.' Yes sir, we won't let Africa down.' And so they went. They smiled for the cameras as ambassadors. But they secretly infiltrated the power plants and routed some wires to the African Union.
Said counter agents for the respective nations. But it was too late. The African spies outran their pursuers, and made it back home via plane.Suzanne Fielding soon followed suit in Kavitha's condemnation of Africa.
She spewed the same BS about nearby expeditions in her lands. If it had to come to war, Africa was building up its army for that.
Jenali was founded. Samatar ordered a heavy military presence nearby. As if this new order sounded ominous, news broke out that Suzanne Fielding took over Tiangong. Africa was put on high alert. Armored battalions were moved to Magan. 'You warmongering sonofa! That was my friend you put 6 feet under!'
Shouted Samatar. He condemned Suzanne as she simply walked out with her pet alien beetle. It snarled at Samatar.Then, the inevitable happened. CEO Suzanne Fielding declared war on Africa. The war for survival had begun.
The explorer unit sent outside of Africa to gather expeditions was bombed by needlejets. Near Ayaan, the fighting began.
A Xeno Swarm from the ARC crawled inside the borders, and range of the defenses. It was the break they needed.
As the armor fought against the alien hordes, the aliens were shot with chainguns and bombs. Magan however, was in grave danger. An entire army had surrounded the city.' Sir, what's the situation?' Asked a general.' Said an observer.With great shock, they announced that all units available were to defend Magan.
Chanted Samatar. And with that, the African people had their resolve bolstered.The troops fought hard and bravely against the superior tanks, AKA Vipers. A squad of Marines fought but lost against them. '(KABLAM, CRACK CRACK!) HOLD THE LINE!!
WE CAN'T LE-' (spliish! Sssssssss)His head was blown off by miasma based armaments from a tank.
His body fell as the sizzling remains burned. This fate befell all the the men there.The African forces did inflict casualties. Meanwhile, a massive air war raged over Magan.
The pilots had to pull off crazy maneuvers to keep off the more advanced needlejets. The dogfights were never ending. Burning fuel and the smoke the followed plagued the air. But worse was the carnage on the ground.
Crashing planes blew up homes. They killed entire families at worst. Soon, a Xeno Swarm attacked Magan. Aliens ran down the streets and destroyed everything in their path, as African citizens frantically fled from the carnage, and those who took up arms struggled to put them down. The Army finally saved the day, after a long battle.' Generals, what's the report in Africa?'
Asked Suzanne.' Ma'am, I'm afraid you won't like this. Our assaults on Ayaan and Magan were both repulsed with no survivors. The rest fell back. There's also a large and dedicated air presence based in the city.
It'll take a full scale assault to take Magan. Lu-' Replied General Stevenson, who now had the misfortune of facing Suzanne's wrath.' WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN 'REPULSED?! THE AFRICAN MILITARY IS HILARIOUSLY OBSOLETE! THEIR GENERALS ARE INCAPABLE, AND HAVE NO SPECIALIZED UNITS SAVE FOR THOSE STUPID ALIENS!
(Growl of disapproval from her alien pet) AND YOU'RE HAVING DIFFICULTIES?!' Shouted Suzanne in a fit of rage.' You never let us finish,' Replied General Michaels. 'We have large reserves left, while they're sending their last ones over to the front line. We're also whittling their armored forces. If all goes well, we should be marching into Magan in due time.' Suzanne fired back with this: 'I don't care if you have to do a cartwheel up a mountain!
The next person who gives me a lame excuse for defeat will be relieved of duty.' 'Yes Ma'am,' they replied.Things indeed were looking grim. Magan was being attacked again, and their forces were being cut down by Needlejets.
Viper formations were also killing them. The explosive tank battles wore off the Africans.
Their tanks stood no chance against the vipers. Flanking maneuvers were the only way the Africans would live. Ayaan was also under attack by the Vipers. The 'Venomous Vipers' became their new nickname by the spiteful Africans.The Siege of Magan and Ayaan was now in full swing.
Both cities were surrounded, and the defenders were getting picked off. But peace wasn't offered. Surrender wasn't an option.
Africa had to fight with whatever they had, or die where they stood. With no more reinforcements, and soldiers running low, the Africans prepared for the worst. 'Staus report!' 'We just lost units one and two!
Scans show 20 plus attackers! Oh no, they're in the city!!!' ARC troops had bombed the city and swarmed it once more. Building to building, the Africans were whittled down and killed. After another month, Magan had fallen to the ARC juggernaut. With the city, their airforce, spirit, and best soldiers had died.
Samatar was still stuck in the now occupied city. He wasn't heard from since.Worse yet, Ayaan was facing a full scale offensive to their eastern flank. The armor and Marines there were being hammered as well.
Ayaan eventually fell as well, with nobody to save it. With the army wiped out, the ARC moved freely throughout Africa and took over the cities.
The African workers simply dropped everything and left, abandoning their now occupied homes. Jenali and Thbo quickly fell, with only a meager bombardment to hold the ARC off. For all intents and purposes, it was the end of Africa.On this planet anyway.
Samatar and a few survivors found their space ship in Magan. They managed to hold off superior ARC forces until it was prepped for takeoff. They lifted off into space, drifting a huge distance with what little they had left in their space ship. They were in stasis for the ride. (HINT AT CONTINUING THIS THREAD). Epilogue'Well, generals. It seemed as if my pep talk got through to you.
Excellent job. Within the hour, 1 million credits will be transferred to your accounts. Do with it what you desire. You've at least earned that.' Suzanne proclaimed to her generals.' Thanks Suzanne. The Africans did put up a fight though.
Their inferior troops were the only reason they lost. Credit is earned where it's due. Perhaps we should start integrating their tactics into our armies so we can achieve such victories.'
Said general Stevens.' Either way, we can't count on our next enemy being so helplessly outmoded.
The world hates us now, and we need to move quickly. Dismissed, gentlemen.' Suzanne replied.(very loud feedback)'ATTENTION CITIZENS OF MAGAN. BY RESIDING HERE, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AMERICAN RECLAMATION CORPORATION. ENJOY YOUR INTEGRATION!' This ominous sounding message repeated over and over again throughout the day.
An African girl and her family were trudging through the wastelands that were once Ayaan. The city had been burned to the ground.
They walked for weeks. Eventually, they gave all their food to the little girl, and told her to go on without them. She cried for many days as she witnessed her family starve to death, one by one.
Eventually, she was the only one left. She walked through the forests and miasma laden lands.
She too ran out of food. She wanted to get food, but Magan was occupied and was way too dangerous to approach. She'd be shot on sight. After another day of wandering, she fell to the ground and collapsed.
She fell asleep, with great thoughts of her gods and her family.She never woke up. A crisp breeze flowed on the crew as they walked out of their stasis chambers. They were all weary of what had happened a year ago.“OK Boys, set her down here.” Samatar said. These were the first words he ushered towards his colony. That colony had failed long ago. They had to rebuild Africa from scratch, and not make the same mistakes.African Marines were deployed to destroy an alien nest nearby.
Immediately, they were swarmed. Bullets and miasma blobs flowed in the air. The Marines had to dig in. Fortunately, more were on the way.
A large army would have great emphasis. Oddly enough, the aliens made another nest, near the one the marines were trying to burn.But that nest pumped out many units. The combined alien might wiped them out.
They tore their flesh apart, as their bloody faces gripped the men with fear. Only able to burn one nest, an entire division of soldiers was wiped out.
Thabo had enough space and was founded. An ominous quiet set over the land, as humanity lost the war against the aliens.A new mission however, came up. Far Base One was forcing people to become slaves.
Africa had no tolerance towards this, and declared war. 'Our job here is to free these slaves and kill their masters. Do not fail.'
Said Samatar.And on they went, killing all who stood in their way. It was quite bloody. OVER HERE!!!' Screamed some slaves being dragged off. 'DON'T WORRY!
WE'RE COMING!!' Said the rescuing soldiers. The troops had a quick firefight with the slave holders before winning the skirmish.
The slaves were freed.After years of heavy fighting and the emotional freeing of lots of slaves, Far Base One lay in ruins. To the west, humanity was once again at odds with the aliens.
Attempts were made with more advanced tech to wipe them out. Bullets and miasma once again filled the air. Jenali was also founded. It was built for the displaced former slaves that needed a home.The second war against the aliens was also in full swing. This time, Africa had armor and gunners to back up their forces. FIRE!” BANG BANG BANG! The gunners shredded the targets in their way.
The armor then moved in to combat the bulk of the aliens. Raptor bugs went against the armored tanks.
They stood little chance, less that because they were crossing a river. “Target right there, take them out!”“Loading SABOT!”(KITUNK!)This was the sound of the tanks firing everything they had at the raptor bugs and wolf beetles. They stood little chance. The combined flanking maneuvers and firepower of the tanks eventually wiped out the alien nests. The men burned the nests and killed the younglings. Miasmic repulsers were put over the area so that no more nests could form. Africa had finally beaten the alien menace near their home.
Now lay the troubling fact that their economy was in decline. Daoming Sochua wanted a cooperation agreement with Samatar.As she opened a bottle of gin, she said: 'If we were to cooperate, look at the potential for great power. We could achieve great things.
And we'll have more to gain than one would desire.' I just hope I don't regret this.' Samatar said.Bongani was founded. It was near the same area that Africa had been fighting the aliens.
It symbolized the conquer of them in its entirety. The Master Control was built. Xirsi was founded.Africa was surviving for so long mainly because they weren't in close proximity with anyone. Zuberi was founded. (Radio chatter in Portuguese) Everything is in place commander.
Said the spy. Stephinia, as was her codename, had multiple cybernetic implants.As the Brazilian spy hacked into Africa's network, she was found by African counter intelligence agents.
'YOU'LL NEVER STOP ME!!' A long chase ensued in Magan's alleyways. Eventually, a blaster shot to the chest brought her down. She fired back and engaged the Africans in a firefight. It took 10 minutes before she was finally taken down with a shot to the head. Rejinaldo de Alencar came to apologize, but Samatar wouldn't have any of it. Amazingly, Polystrailia came into the same predicament.Just a week later, the ARC and Polystrailia declared war.
However, their forces were nowhere to be found. The only attack was an incursion by an ARC explorer, not even a skirmish worthy of note. Samatar decided that it was time to get into an alliance with Daoming and Kozlov. Sizwe was founded. What was special about this city was that it was near TONS AND TONS of Firaxite.The Deadalus Ladder was built in Magan. And suddenly, Daoming Sochua declared war on the Kavithan protectorate.
That meant full scale war was imminent. Samatar was dragged into the war. However, Daoming woukd be doing all the work. Her armies were already positioned. The Drone Sphere was also constructed.I'll make a new chapter soon. This story's been pretty dry.
Warsame and Jabulile were founded. The Markov Eclipse was also built. Samatar decided that the Francos were a pest to this world, and had to be evicted. He declared war alongside General Vadim Kozlov. The Francos decided to launch airstrikes over Senen. “(In French) Marking coordinates for specific targets. Aim for populated areas and key installations.”WHOOSH!
KSHHHHH!“This is Viper One-Zero, our strikes are having minimal effect!”“Predator Two-One, cleared to engage hostile French aircraft.”Pew-pew-pew-pew-pew!SZZZZZZZ! “Targets neutralized. Still some surviving aircraft, but they’re retreating. Predator Two-One, returning to base.”Soon after, African troops made a move on Javed, a key military installation with an air base. Take down those defenses! We need to clear a path for those Dragoons to smash through!” Said the battle suit commander.
They charged through the hordes of grunts guarding the perimeter, suffering slight losses. The others felt safe in their huge, shielded battle suits.
They could even see the miasma orbs fall off the shielded layer of their armor. They returned the punishment in full with their high powered laser guns. Charred, burnt flesh covered the path forward.
Up in the skies, Predators kept up the furious bombardment. Their missiles and laser cannons did a number on the defenses, killing many men and women inside trying to fight. The ground defenses returned fire and shot down 3 predators, as the pilots barely ejected into the warden below. “S.#$, S&%$, I’M GOING DOWN!!!” Yelled one pilot in a panic.It took a week before the path was finally cleared. The dragoons exceeded expectations. They suffered some losses, but carved out the defenses and took the city. Miasma orbs destroyed one tank and damaged the other.
In the fields adjacent to the city, a battle suit squad effortlessly took out an artillery position. They simply walked up and watched as their laser blasters killed the helpless crew. Satchel Charges blew up the artillery.At the French city of Pran, Dragoons were making similar efforts. It was a harsh, frozen climate. The Dragoons were having difficulties with the defenses. The Slavs were helping out in the conquest of the city further North with their own Dragoons.
With some air support, it succeeded. Thula was founded near the city, while Pran was burned.The Army began to move on Bouclier and Beraht. They would need to regroup and wait for reinforcements, since these cities were well fortified. There was however, a lack of real military units in the area. The reinforcements came in the form of a powerful LEV Tank. A daring plan to take Bouclier worked.
CRASH!Predators and the LEV Tank bombed the city into oblivion. The Battlesuit squad stormed the city and took it. Celebrations would've been in order if the single biggest dagger in history didn't pierce Samatar's heart. That dagger was Daoming Sochua of the Pan Asian Cooperative.
'By betraying me, you have betrayed your own kind. For that, you must be destroyed.' WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!! I NEVER-'OUT!' And so began the fight for Africa's survival.