Protected FLASH Pages with Processor Expert Failed Programming with protected FLASH If I try to re-program the protected bootloader with Segger J-Link (both in CodeWarrior and Eclipse/KDS with GDB), then the download silently fails. The effect is that somehow the application on the board does not match what it should be. Looking at the Console view, it shows that erase has failed (but no real error reported):-(: Jlink: Failed to erase sectors 0 @ address 0x00000000 (Algo135: Flash protection violation. Flash is write-protected.). ERROR Algo135 Flash Protection Violation about failed FLASH Programming What I need is to unprotect the memory and then erase it. Erasing The Segger J-Link features a very fast programming. Part of that speed is that the Segger firmware checks each FLASH page if it really needs to be programmed, and only then it erases and reprogrammed that page.
So downloading twice the same application actually will not touch the FLASH memory at all. Additionally, it does not do a complete erase of the device: it only programs the pages I’m using in my application. The advantage of that is first speed. And it does not erase the application data I’m using in non-volatile memory (see ““). However, sometimes I really need to clear all my data in FLASH too, and then I need to erase all my FLASH pages on the device.
Segger has product named ‘J-Flash’ which is used to Flash and Erase devices outside of an IDE. There is a free-of-charge ‘Lite’ version available for download from Segger. This utility is not intended to be used for production. With this utility I have a GUI to erase and program my device. Erasing Device with Flash File to Target Again, this does not work if the device is locked.
Jan 8, 2018 - Segger j-flash arm working keys 7a4ihG-5gCgAa-PS6XoA-fIzK5w. Segger j-link arm keygen for Mac is designed to make copying.
CodeWarrior has another feature called ‘Target Task’ which can be used to erase/unsecure (if your device is supported), see ““. So I need to use a different tool to unlock and unprotect my device: the J-Link Commander. Unlocking and Erasing with J-Link Commander To unlock the device, Segger has a utility named ‘J-Link Commander’, available from.
The binary is ‘jlink.exe’ on Windows and is a command line utility. To unlock the device use unlock Kinetis. Unlocking and Erasing with J-Link Commander Summary In order to re-program the protected FLASH sectors with Segger J-Link, I need first to unlock and mass erase the device. For this, there is the J-Link Commander utility which has a command line interface to unprotect and erase the device. For erasing only, the J-Flash (and Lite) is a very useful tool, especially to get a ‘clean’ device memory. To me, the Segger way and tools are very powerful. In this case, things are very flexible, but not that obvious.
So I hope this post can help others to get his device unlocked and erased. Happy Erasing 🙂. Hi Erich, I am trying to use similar procedure as yours to “erase my secure Kinetis KV31 device”, I use J-link utility – unfortunately I can’t erase it due to device is secured.
J-Linkunlock Kinetis Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 Unlocking deviceO.K. J-Linkerase Erasing device (MKV31F512xxx12). Error: Failed to erase sectors 8 @ address 0x00004000 (Algo135: Flash pro tection violation. Flash is write-protected.) Info: J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 1.155s (Prepare: 0.689s, Compar e: 0.000s, Erase: 0.067s, Program: 0.000s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.398s) ERROR: Erase returned with error code -5.
J-Link Is there a way to unlock secured device and erase it? I am OK with deleting my flash I just want to reprogram device again.
Thanks for you advice. HI Erich I Had the “Device is secured” problem on 2 of 5 MKV31F devices. Using universal multilink i had no way to unlock it,and the odd thing is that one of the devices was new,so i was not able to flash it for the very first time.The project that i tred to load was working fine with other boards let’s call it “Aproject”. I built an almost empty project,let’s call it “Dummy” and i have found a difference in Hex files: In Aproject the byte ad address 0x40C=0x7E and in “Dummy” 0x40C=0xFE.,at least the SEC bits were Unsecured,i will check why i haveKEYEN Field= Backdoor key access disabled Furthermore the reset pin toggles continously(it has 10K to VDD,100nF to GND).
I dont ‘have a Segger J-Link,but almost for shure i should have some demo board with a JLink on board. Do you think i can do something?
This is a 100 pins IC,and i ‘m am scared that after changed it by hand,i could face the same problem. Many thanks once more. Hi Diego, yes, using a J-Link might work for you. The ‘real’ J-Links have stronger pull down circuit I think so would be better. But give it a try. Ultimately, I always have J-Link at hand for these kind of things. The reason why you see the reset pin toggling is that the device is continuously resetting: it starts, then runs into a hard fault, restarts again, etc.
You might try as well to pull down (e.g. Push button) the reset line while you connect to the target. This would give the debug probe a chance or larger time window to connect to the microcontroller and halt it. You migt try this several times. I hope this helps, and good luck! No, there is no utility for this as far as I know. So in your case the reset pin is still active after power-up until it reads the FOPT register.
With JTAG you can reset the device using the JTAG command. So if you are using JTAG, you should be able to connect. If you only have SWD, then you need to be able to connect with the debugger during this tiny window. So I would try to debug it while the microcontroller is powered up. You might need 10, 50, 100 or more tries, but I think this is what you can do.
The other way is that you add a button to the reset pin and pull it to GND. Give it a try. Dear Erich, regarding your post I’m having a similar problem with internal KE02 EEPROM.